The Madison Medical Practices at Northbridge offer Electronic Prescription services for all our patients.

With the COVID-19 Pandemic the Government has been busy to rollout this technology to compliment the telehealth access and ease of attaining medicines safely.

What this means is that you can now attain a digital version of a paper prescription, on your phone or via email if more convenient.

During your consultation, our GPs can send your electronic prescription to you securely, with no need for a paper prescription, of which you can show your local Pharmacy.

This way you can access it whenever you’re ready – saving you time, streamlining the process and improving medicine safety.

How to get an electronic prescription?

  • During your consultation ask our GPs you wish to have this option, verify your mobile and email details and it can be sent to you electronically as an SMS or an email
  • You will then take it to your pharmacy of choice or send it to them 
  • Most Pharmacies in the St Ives area are Electronic Prescription ready.


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